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    Actores a los que ha dirigido Kinji Fukasaku

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    Keiko Matsuzaka ( House on Fire , The Rage of Love )
    Asao Koike ( Battles Without Honor and Humanity 4: Police Tactics , Street Mobster )
    Mari Natsuki ( La Leyenda de los Ocho Samurais )
    Seizo Fukumoto ( Battles Without Honor and Humanity 4: Police Tactics , Battles Without Honor and Humanity 2: Deathmatch in Hiroshima , Los Invasores del Espacio , Yakuza Graveyard (1976) , Cops vs. Thugs )
    Hideyo Amamoto ( Los Invasores del Espacio )
    Noboru Mitani ( Los Invasores del Espacio , Street Mobster , Bajo la Bandera del Sol Naciente )
    Takashi Tsukamoto ( Battle Royale )
    Tetsurô Tanba ( Los Invasores del Espacio )
    Takuzo Kawatani ( Violent panic: The big crash , Yakuza Graveyard (1976) )
    Toshie Kimura ( Battles Without Honor and Humanity 3: Proxy War , Battles Without Honor and Humanity 4: Police Tactics , Battles Without Honor and Humanity 2: Deathmatch in Hiroshima )
    Jo Shishido ( Battles Without Honor and Humanity 4: Police Tactics )
    Ai Maeda ( Battle Royale II - Requiem )
    Kinya Kitaoji ( Battles Without Honor and Humanity 2: Deathmatch in Hiroshima , Wolves, Pigs & Men , Battles Without Honor and Humanity 5: Final Episode )
    Yuma Ishigaki ( Battle Royale II - Requiem )
    Hajime Hana ( Graveyard of Honor (1975) )
    Taro Yamamoto ( Battle Royale )
    Fumi Dan ( House on Fire )
    Tatsuo Umemiya ( Yakuza Graveyard (1976) , Battles Without Honor and Humanity 3: Proxy War , Battles Without Honor and Humanity 4: Police Tactics , Graveyard of Honor (1975) )
    Isao Natsuyagi ( Bajo la Bandera del Sol Naciente )
    Morio Kazama ( The Rage of Love )
    Robert Horton ( Batalla más allá de las Estrellas )
    Sayuri Yoshinaga ( The Rage of Love )
    Shingo Yamashiro ( Battles Without Honor and Humanity 5: Final Episode , Battles Without Honor and Humanity 3: Proxy War , Battles Without Honor and Humanity 4: Police Tactics , Graveyard of Honor (1975) )
    Sachiko Hidari ( Bajo la Bandera del Sol Naciente )
    Tsunehiko Watase ( Battles Without Honor and Humanity , The Fall of Ako Castle , Sympathy for the Underdog , Battles Without Honor and Humanity 3: Proxy War , Violent panic: The big crash )
    Eiji Go ( Graveyard of Honor (1975) )
    Meiko Kaji ( Battles Without Honor and Humanity 2: Deathmatch in Hiroshima )

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    Películas que ha dirigido Kinji Fukasaku
    Guionistas con los que ha trabajado Kinji Fukasaku
    Productores que han producido películas de Kinji Fukasaku
    Encargados de la fotografía que han trabajado con Kinji Fukasaku
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    Aparicio Rivero
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