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    Actores con los que ha actuado Tomisaburo Wakayama

    Ordenar alfabéticamente   -   Ordenar por número de películas

    Jackie Earle Haley ( The Bad News Bears Go to Japan )
    Tony Curtis ( The Bad News Bears Go to Japan )
    George Wyner ( The Bad News Bears Go to Japan )
    Lonny Chapman ( The Bad News Bears Go to Japan )
    Eijirô Yanagi ( The Tale of Zatoichi Continues )
    Shintarô Katsu ( Zatoichi and the Chest of Gold , The Tale of Zatoichi Continues )
    Akiji Kobayashi ( Lone Wolf and Cub 2: Baby Cart at the River Styx , Samurai, Espada y Sortilegio )
    George Gonzales ( The Bad News Bears Go to Japan )
    David Stambaugh ( The Bad News Bears Go to Japan )
    Yusuke Kawazu ( Beast in the shadows )
    David Pollock ( The Bad News Bears Go to Japan )
    Brett Marx ( The Bad News Bears Go to Japan )
    Erin Blunt ( The Bad News Bears Go to Japan )
    Saburo Date ( Zatoichi and the Chest of Gold )
    Shogo Shimada ( Zatoichi and the Chest of Gold )
    Jeffrey Louis Starr ( The Bad News Bears Go to Japan )
    Takashi Ebata ( Lone Wolf and Cub 2: Baby Cart at the River Styx )
    Kayo Matsuo ( Samurai, Espada y Sortilegio , Lone Wolf and Cub 2: Baby Cart at the River Styx )
    Tsunehiko Watase ( Sympathy for the Underdog )
    Shin Kishida ( Lone Wolf and Cub 2: Baby Cart at the River Styx , Samurai, Espada y Sortilegio )
    Akihiro Tomikawa ( Lone Wolf and Cub 2: Baby Cart at the River Styx , Samurai, Espada y Sortilegio )
    Hideo Murota ( Sympathy for the Underdog )
    Sonosuke Sawamura ( The Tale of Zatoichi Continues )
    Yutaka Nakamura ( The Tale of Zatoichi Continues )
    Tatsuya Ishiguro ( Zatoichi and the Chest of Gold )
    Koji Tsuruta ( Sympathy for the Underdog )
    Machiko Hasegawa ( Zatoichi and the Chest of Gold )
    Noboru Ando ( Sympathy for the Underdog )
    Ima Masaki ( Lone Wolf and Cub 2: Baby Cart at the River Styx )
    Koji Kobayashi ( Lone Wolf and Cub 2: Baby Cart at the River Styx )
    Matthew Anton ( The Bad News Bears Go to Japan )
    Matasaburo Tamba ( Zatoichi and the Chest of Gold )
    Mikiko Tsubouchi ( Zatoichi and the Chest of Gold )
    Ryûtarô Ôtomo ( Beast in the shadows )
    Hikosaburo Kataoka ( Zatoichi and the Chest of Gold )
    Shôsaku Sugiyama ( The Tale of Zatoichi Continues )
    Yoshiko Kayama ( Beast in the shadows )
    Izumi Ayukawa ( Lone Wolf and Cub 2: Baby Cart at the River Styx )
    Maki Mizuhara ( Lone Wolf and Cub 2: Baby Cart at the River Styx )
    Akiko Kudo ( Sympathy for the Underdog )
    Yoshie Mizutani ( The Tale of Zatoichi Continues )
    Yoshito Yamaji ( The Tale of Zatoichi Continues )
    Antonio Inoki ( The Bad News Bears Go to Japan )
    Minoru Ohki ( Samurai, Espada y Sortilegio )
    Reiko Kasahara ( Lone Wolf and Cub 2: Baby Cart at the River Styx )

    Más información sobre Tomisaburo Wakayama:

    Películas en las que ha actuado Tomisaburo Wakayama
    Directores que han dirigido a Tomisaburo Wakayama
    El Extranger-oh! de la Calle Cruz del Sur
    jose ha comentado la película El Extranger-oh! de la Calle Cruz del Sur
    Allá en el Rancho Grande (1948)
    Raúl Poiré ha comentado la película Allá en el Rancho Grande (1948)
    El Hombre que Mira
    Jose dorantes ha comentado la película El Hombre que Mira
    El Hombre que Mira
    Un usuario ha comentado la película El Hombre que Mira
    Marta Madruga
    Un usuario ha comentado la ficha de Marta Madruga
    Aparicio Rivero
    MARÍA ROSA ha comentado la ficha de Aparicio Rivero
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