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    Comentarios y opiniones sobre Jensen Ackles

    Ficha de Jensen Ackles
    260 comentarios
    Desconocido - 18/02/2009 16:04 -

    Someone spotted jensen and stephanie leaving the set of supernatural. They went to a hotel in a gray sports car and this is what alot of people saying.

    Desconocido - 18/02/2009 15:21 -

    I did to hear that. If stephanie is in vancouver with her husband jensen it is good. I feel super now since jensen is married to her and not daneel. She is very ugly and not looking like nothing. Congrat to jensen and stephanie. Lori

    Desconocido - 18/02/2009 15:15 -

    Yeah steffy is one pretty hot girl. I heard she moved to canada with jensen recently. Peter

    Desconocido - 17/02/2009 23:36 -

    I love the hot married couple. They look good together and i wish those two the best. Wow jensen and stephanie is the hottest couple ever. Betsie d.

    Desconocido - 17/02/2009 23:30 -

    I love jensen and stephanie together as husband and wife. Them two look so hot together. It is amazing to see 2 hot people like them get together. Most celebrity men have ugly wives but jensen do not. Laura.

    Desconocido - 17/02/2009 19:27 -

    We are going to get married .

    Desconocido - 17/02/2009 19:27 -

    I am coming to find you steffie baby. You are totally mines.

    Desconocido - 17/02/2009 19:25 -

    heehaw steph, i am your favorite guy!!!!

    Desconocido - 17/02/2009 19:24 -

    iyayaya, meow stephanie girl. mitch.

    Desconocido - 17/02/2009 19:23 -

    ooooouch, STEPHANIE!!!!!

    Desconocido - 17/02/2009 18:42 -

    When it come to her i melt. That is how hott stephanie is. Ronnie joe.

    Desconocido - 17/02/2009 18:39 -

    Jensen you are hot. I love you. Niomi

    Desconocido - 17/02/2009 18:38 -

    I need mine will you steppie. I want you .

    Desconocido - 17/02/2009 18:36 -

    I am shopping for my baby stephanie. I amor her.

    Desconocido - 17/02/2009 16:45 -

    jensen lo mejor es pefercto lo amoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Desconocido - 17/02/2009 3:41 -

    Stephanie is the beauty wife for jensen ackles.

    Desconocido - 17/02/2009 3:40 -

    jensen can i have her?

    Desconocido - 17/02/2009 3:02 -

    Love is in my mind when it comes to steph. I love her jensen and i want your wife too. louis.

    Desconocido - 17/02/2009 3:01 -

    stephanie needs cold water to cool her hot self off. I want her she is my fantasy.

    Desconocido - 15/02/2009 20:40 -

    Hot hot hot!!!!!

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