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    Comentarios y opiniones sobre Jensen Ackles

    Ficha de Jensen Ackles
    260 comentarios
    Desconocido - 13/02/2009 15:44 -

    Jensen i am so very proud of you. You is married to a hot woman name stephanie and not ugly face danneel. I am a straight dude and i dont like danneel look. Keep your wife stephy she is one hot cookie.

    Desconocido - 13/02/2009 15:35 -

    Jensen you are hot as well as your wife. Yall 2 look good together.

    Desconocido - 13/02/2009 15:33 -

    I love stephanie looks she looks amazing.

    Desconocido - 12/02/2009 19:15 -

    Jensen is one lucky fellow and stephanie is one lucky gal.

    Desconocido - 12/02/2009 19:14 -

    jensen ackles is hot and so is his wife stephanie. I seen the photo on

    Desconocido - 12/02/2009 16:33 -

    Hola eres un chico super lindo e visto tus peliculas y tus series. eres genial. besosss

    Desconocido - 10/02/2009 20:21 -

    jensen ackles and stephanie ware ackles are bot hot hot hot and and popping like a firecracker.

    Desconocido - 10/02/2009 3:44 -

    I have a dream to meet that hot wife of jensen ackles.

    Desconocido - 09/02/2009 21:38 -

    That is not swa, somebody always trying to be that woman. Stephanie is not on here , go away poser!!!

    Desconocido - 09/02/2009 21:35 -

    Hey stephanie? how are you girl? I saw you in jacksonville florida yesterday and I said hello to you and you said hello back. You look so good girl and you smell good too. Will you be my valentine? Will you be mine?

    Desconocido - 09/02/2009 21:33 -

    This suppose to be about my husband and not me.....Swa

    Desconocido - 09/02/2009 21:31 -

    Iay she is pecan tan who needs a good man like me. i am not saying jensen is not a good husband to her , all i am saying is i want that woman.

    Desconocido - 09/02/2009 21:29 -

    that stephanie looks like a walking baby doll. She is so pretty with that lovely skin and hair.

    Desconocido - 09/02/2009 19:39 -

    Yall leave that man wife alone and i am pretty sure jensen knows his wife stephanie is hot too. Jensen is hot too just like his wife.

    Desconocido - 09/02/2009 19:27 -

    I went to jacksonville florida and saw stephanie. I saw hello to her and she say hi. She looks even hotter in person. She is one hot latina and she smells good too. That chick is hot and i wish she was my wife. David

    Desconocido - 08/02/2009 2:58 -

    Jensen is absolutely perfect actor. and he deserves to be rated number 10

    Desconocido - 08/02/2009 2:13 -

    Stephanie is a hottie, i also saw her picture. No wonder jensen married her approximately 2 months after meeting her. Posted by: Chelsea H.

    Desconocido - 08/02/2009 1:48 -

    I am going to jacksonville, florida to find her. Jensen you better look out.

    Desconocido - 08/02/2009 1:41 -

    stephanie is all mines and jensen I am going to take her from yu, lol. her hair and face is too grgeous.

    Rosco boy - 15/04/2009 1:33 -

    jensen ackles is married to stephanie ware. annel is in here and lying on stephanie ware and jensen ackles marriage again.

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