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    Comentarios y opiniones sobre Jensen Ackles

    Ficha de Jensen Ackles
    260 comentarios
    Desconocido - 22/03/2009 5:34 -

    Hey rosco boy, you are right about those photos and videos are fake what danneel made on youtube. My brother has a career in photography and he specialize in recognizing fake photos and fake videos and they are fake. My brother said look at the body language in the photos danneel made are truly fake. Danneel is not in the photos with jensen and she made the videos too. It is all fake. Lauren

    Desconocido - 21/03/2009 21:22 -

    Hey people danneel have another fake video on It is a fake , i specialize in catching people like that who make fake photos and videos . So do not pay attention to lying crazy danneel. That person is a beast from hell. Well i am happy you seen stephanie and her daughter. I know they do look really hot. Jensen is a very lucky man and stephanie is a lucky woman. I love them both. Rosco boy.

    Desconocido - 21/03/2009 4:30 -

    I heard stephanie say to her daughter that she wasnt feeling well and she was sick. Derrick

    Desconocido - 21/03/2009 4:26 -

    Hey guys, i seen stephanie at the movies with her daughter bianca. They were at the avenues movie theater in jacksonville ,florida. I stare at them and i say hi to them and they say hi to me. They were there watching my bloody valentine and friday the 13th. Stephanie and bianca looks gorgeous face to face and they is fine with a nice body. Derrick.

    Desconocido - 20/03/2009 1:33 -

    I am so happy for jensen and stephanie. Angie

    Desconocido - 19/03/2009 18:45 -

    Keep your pathetic ridiculous lying self out of here DANNEEL!!!! You are one foolish ass person!!!!! Rosco Boy!!!!

    Desconocido - 19/03/2009 18:29 -

    osea... tienen q darle CLICK a la imagen .... DUH!!!!!!!!!!!! pero bien, dadas sus evidentemente cortas cualidades de observacion ignoraremos olimpicamente sus comentarios insipidos. DUH!!!

    Desconocido - 18/03/2009 21:52 -

    Danneel you are not one tree hill anymore. You are that sick you dont know that. Justin

    Desconocido - 18/03/2009 21:49 -

    Ha ha we dont care to hear no more lies from danneel. You are a sick childish person. Reesie

    Desconocido - 18/03/2009 21:46 -

    Danneel this rosco boy. You say kill the troll then they would kill you. You are the one who are trolling around the internet lying on a married man. You are so sick danneel you still thinking you are on one tree hill show. Danneel you are such a crazy stalker who stalks jensen. It doesnt matter if you are a low class actress like you are and you are also a stalker too. Do not come in here with your lies and stalker ways. We are jensen fans and not a stalker like you. We are finish hearing your lies woman.

    Desconocido - 18/03/2009 20:09 -

    Kill The troll!!! Down with the troll!!!!

    Desconocido - 18/03/2009 20:07 -

    HEY!!! eso de que se caso con Wares es mentira, eso salio de un famoso troll que sigue dando lata en sus boards. Jensen no es casado pero si sale con una de las actrices de one three hill *no veo la seria asi que no se cual* Pero quiten lo de que casado con Wares, la misma actriz dijo que no es verdad!! les dire ademas, hay mucha mas info interesante que solo lo qu eesta ahi.

    Desconocido - 18/03/2009 18:28 -

    I hate that liar too. Danneel is trying to fool jensens fans with lies with her ugly self. Jensen fans would never agee with a peson who is trying to destroy a marriage. Rosco boy!!!

    Desconocido - 18/03/2009 18:26 -

    Danneel is a evil lia and I hate her. lisa

    Desconocido - 18/03/2009 18:24 -

    I love this interview!!!! Jerry

    Desconocido - 17/03/2009 0:56 -


    Desconocido - 17/03/2009 19:47 -

    Yes dannel are for trying to come between a marriage. That person is evil. Mary

    Desconocido - 17/03/2009 19:45 -

    Danneel is a liar!!!!richard!!

    Desconocido - 17/03/2009 19:40 -

    you are right!!!!missy

    Desconocido - 17/03/2009 0:56 -


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