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    Comentarios y opiniones sobre Mara Wilson

    Ficha de Mara Wilson
    370 comentarios
    Desconocido - 05/08/2007 3:00 - Puntos: 10

    hagan mas peliculas

    matias - 28/07/2007 10:18 -

    bueno soy matias israel espero que leas los comentarios me gusta mucho tus peliculas pero pienso que debes seguir continua chao un beso mi msn es

    Yo - 28/07/2007 5:46 - Puntos: 10

    me cae bien la chava me agrado verla en Matilda

    olio - 24/07/2007 22:59 - Puntos: 10

    ooo es muy bkn

    dante wilson - 22/07/2007 22:10 -

    hello mara my name is dante Wilson dejame decirte which you are a good actress and beautiful girl, I admire much your last peliculasy your theater work when hicistes of cinderella in the 2005, wanted to have photos yours present ones, because but it wanted to contact to me with you, from the moment who I saw in cinderella comensastes you to likes, please was not wanted that me deas your I number telephone with the code of the state and the country where you inhabit I that you live in Californian ee.uu if pudiers also dame your email or messenger, mine is ´´milo_escorpio3000´´, I am Peruvian and alive in ravine department of Lima and my I number telephone is 0051 01 235 6066, or, 0051 235 6066, porfavor wanted to speak with you for decirte happy birthday to you I that he is the 24 of July, I am wanted much I think about you every moment to you, until you are my inspiration, my stature is 1.63mt and I am 18 years old and the 6 of 19 November I fulfill, for my you are very pretty and you have a tender smile, I am your greater admirer, wanted to work to obtain money and to go to your country but I cannot because here much does not gain . I appreciate to you and I want my heart yet to you, your beautiful tender one and sweet my joy is razonde and happiness, as she wanted verte in person and decirte cinceras words and affectionate wing time, I speak Castilian and little of English, I am a simple, humble person passive and assertive, mu jobi is to draw, please you the request this is the only form in which your you can read everything what I write to you, hasme the great one please to add to me in your msn. Now single it is to wait for, eh had escrirte in English so that it is easy to you to understand what I say to you. Good I wish you happy birthday to you, many kisses and hugs,good bye

    Desconocido - 20/07/2007 13:47 - Puntos: 10

    10 ghö

    890´ß - 20/07/2007 13:47 - Puntos: 10

    nini bibi schie

    Gsl..! - 19/07/2007 5:45 - Puntos: 10

    es la mejor..!!! =X.. como kieras verla..! me encanta..

    Gsl..! - 19/07/2007 5:41 -

    pues.. desd su actuacion en matilda.. siempre me ha gustado.. no me importa si es linda o no..! es la mejor..!!! y no me canso de verla en sus peliculas..!

    Desconocido - 16/07/2007 22:27 - Puntos: 8

    eres muy buena actuando

    Desconocido - 16/07/2007 22:26 - Puntos: 8

    arriba mara

    Desconocido - 16/07/2007 22:26 - Puntos: 8

    no se

    Desconocido - 16/07/2007 22:25 - Puntos: 8

    arriba mara tu puedes

    desconocido - 16/07/2007 22:22 -

    no se

    Desconocido - 05/07/2007 21:14 - Puntos: 5


    Day-Karamela - 29/06/2007 21:49 - Puntos: 10

    Ohh... Dios, Matilde, era mi pelicula favorita en mi infancia, yo mé esa pelicula

    Desconocido - 26/06/2007 4:20 -

    ola na ps publiken una mas actual

    wilson de escorpio - 17/06/2007 23:28 - Puntos: 10

    hola quetal eres una buena actriz quisiera que me aumentes en tu correo es milo_escorpio3000

    samantha - 31/05/2007 19:11 - Puntos: 10

    arriba mara m encanto la pelicula d matilda

    Desconocido - 15/05/2007 18:17 -

    muy wena actriz pro feisima

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